Friday, July 15, 2005

Finally Friday

Having waited all week for the weekend, today felt infinitely long. I was able to work in 30-minute stints here and there. But I guess I'm distracted because it's quiet, I haven't had any interruptions, and I still can't focus.

Just found out our lab manager quit, in the middle of the moving. I'm torn about whether this is good or bad, probably both. Definitely good for her, she got an industry job.

So there's no cafeteria in our new building, and still no toilet paper on our floor. Nice. Why would we need things like that to get through a workday?


At 9:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weekends? What weekends?

I thought you were a postdoc!

:-P j/k

At 5:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear you. Why is moving to a new building such a pain and distraction? I'm also moving and it is almost like a week off work while still being at work... yay!

Anyway, great site. Hopefully I'll be a postdoc in 3-4 years... so keep up the informative perspective about the fabulous life of a postdoc.


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