Friday, December 16, 2005

It's Fry Day

So, I'm doing an experiment. I won't know until tomorrow if it worked. I'm hoping it worked, although I will still have to do it again.

This morning I got a potentially encouraging email from one of the places I applied, asking for reference letters. Although at this point I have to admit, I'm not going to get my hopes up just for that little bit of information.

Better than nothing.

I'm emailing people whom I'm sure barely remember me- if at all- and asking if they can help with my job search.

Can they?? Will they?

Worked a little on various bits of writing that need to get done, including revising my Research Plan once again for the latest round of job applications. Ugh. I am so sick of looking at it.

Talked to and fed and petted my cells, hoping they will behave themselves so I can do lots of good experiments next week.

And here I am, back at the computer, wanting to procrastinate. It's late enough that I'd rather go home, or to the gym, but it will save me a full day to stick it out for another couple hours and get this thing to a good stopping point.


At 5:46 PM, Blogger Abel Pharmboy said...

Asking for refs is encouraging; you probably made the top 8 to 12 candidates.

I wish I could help. When I was on search committees at Big Rocky Mountain U., excellent candidates who also happened to be women were already committed to other places by the time we could have them in for interviews. E-mail me if you want some contacts at my old institution.

If it helps, I just got a triaged grant review from a NIH study section for an RFA (supposedly easier to get funded) with a totally kickass mid-career collaborator who used to be a Pew Scholar. It is an incredibly tough time for anyone to get funded - you sure you want to do this?

As I've said to many a junior colleague, you've just got to have the determination to stay in this business long enough to get lucky.

I know that your postdoc clock is ticking and your P.I. is completely unhelpful, but keep networking and applying. I'm sure that your background and expertise will click with the right department.

At 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying your blog as I am going through a similar job hunt.

I have a PhD in engineering and I am entering year 5 of my post-doc experience. I am currently housed in a medical department.

I did a small job search last year (2 schools) and had an on-campus interview at a State University. No luck.

This year is do-or-die. I've sent job applications to 15 schools - starting in Sept. and ending yesterday. Two have asked for letters of recommendations. No outright rejections.... yet.

I like research and I believe my projects will be used clinically within < 5 yr. But if it doesn't happen this year, I don't think it ever will so it is off to industry for me.

Anyhow, I can definitely sympathize with your roller coaster ride of emotions. Hang in there and continue to share your experience. It definitely helps my state of mind.


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