Monday, May 05, 2008


I'm trying to brainstorm a list of what I need to do and in what order.

1. Nag the advisor via email (check).

2. Nag the advisor in person.

3. Prioritize experiments to do sooner (making use of available equipment, etc. things that are available now, should take advantage of those).

4. Prioritize experiments to do for funding (e.g. to get necessarily preliminary data for future grant applications on the assumption that I will move to a new location and have no equipment for a while).

5. Catch up on reading. Must deplete accumulated piles.

6. Submit abstract(s) for meeting(s).

7. Exercise to the point of exhaustion (so as to avoid screaming at advisor).

8. Random personal errands (oil change for car; hair cut for head; pants altered, etc.)

9. Clean up desk.

10. Clean up desk at home.

11. Skype with old friends (hey, kind of counts as job networking??)

12. Read blogs (= mental health, see above under #7 so as to avoid screaming at advisor).

As you can see I've done #1 and #12 already. Maybe I'll do #9 next. This is my usual order of procrastinating. Then maybe #6??

I will not scream at my advisor. I will not scream at my advisor. I will not quit. I will not quit. I will not run screaming from the campus and go work at a coffee shop. I will not run screaming from the campus and go work at a coffee shop. I will not. I will not.

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At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Point 0. should be:

Write up your resume, and look for a job in industry, or at the NIH...

At 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

#6, #8, #7, #10, in that order.

At 3:38 PM, Blogger ScientistMother said...

You will not quit. you will not quit. Know why? Because there are many many other women starting out, they need you to continue, to widen the path just nudge those they can come behind and widen it some more. You will not quit because you can do it.

At 4:32 PM, Blogger Jones said...

Isn't the purpose of brainstorming a list to do the items in order?

At 11:49 AM, Blogger ScienceGirl said...

#7 is very effective. I know the feeling - hang in there!

At 8:45 PM, Blogger Unbalanced Reaction said...

Ha! Your #7 is the exact reason way I started going to the gym.

At 8:46 PM, Blogger Unbalanced Reaction said...

er... that should say "why"...the reason "why" i started going to the gym.

But then again, The Boss started going to the gym, too...sigh.


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