Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Cloning by e-mail

Ahh, so the digital age will save you every time (I think). My advisor was annoyed that I had tried to clone this thing myself (somehow I doubt she would have cared if it had worked!). She insisted that I try writing to this japanese sequence bank and ask if I can get the clone they have listed in the database. They wrote me back right away with a pile of Materials Transfer Agreement stuff, and a request for ~ $200 worth of fees for the work and shipping. I'm now waiting for my advisor to agree to this, since the money on my fellowship is pretty much used up for this year, and I haven't received word whether I've been officially renewed yet (with concomitant spending money availability).

Meanwhile, I'm annoyed because my experiments seem to be very sensitive to timing, so the experiment I did yesterday was pretty uninformative and I think I know what I need to do over... I just wish I could get my cells to magically grow faster. Anybody know how to do that?

Also, irony of all ironies, my lab meeting got postponed for a week. So I have a little more time to scramble to put some more stuff together.

Fortunately for me, after a loonnnng discussion about potentially attending a Dueling Piano Bar for the first half of the bachelorette party evening, we managed to agree not to go at all. Hooray! The new plan sounds more expensive but hopefully a bit less irritating.

And, tons of stuff to do today, so I should get going on it. Of course it's sunny out, and I'm tired, and I'd rather be at the beach.


At 5:21 PM, Blogger bd__sd said...

I think it depends on what you are cloning from. If it is mammalisn, there are so many little things that could go wrong from PCR errors to missed introns.... :-( If it is yeast, why not?

As for magically making cells grow faster, that reminds me of an episode of Star Trek:The Next Gen. Q accelerates time in medlab to make an experiment go faster, but Dr. Crusher throws it out because it is supposed to be relative to something else and chides the lab assistant (the gorgeous Olivia d'Abo) for cheating. d'Abo, a potential Q, decides being able to manipulate the universe is much more fun than running stupid experiments.

At 5:55 PM, Blogger Ms.PhD said...

I haven't seen that episode. But I can't claim to have seen all of them, not by a long shot.

I would think yes, manipulating the universe should be more fun! at least, definitely in a Star Trek context. But maybe that's why I always wanted to be a writer.

At 12:39 PM, Blogger bd__sd said...

When I interviewed at [nameless grad program whose name starts with Stan and ends with ford], during a one-on-one interview one prof asked innocently enough what I did with my spare time. I said I did some writing. She then immediately jumped down my throat and said if you want to be a real scientist you have to dedicate yourself to SCIENCE and give up the other foolishness.


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