Friday, May 12, 2006

One More Day

Been listening to a song with these lyrics for weeks, and then I finally got some good news: I might be getting some funding. Now, it's not enough funding, so I'm trying to negotiate to get some additional help so I can figure out what I'm going to do with my life for the next year or so. But hey, some maybe-good news. It's quite possible that I won't be unemployed this summer after all.

In other news, I'm happy to say that the number of harrassing comments here has dropped since I started moderating the comments, but I'm sorry it takes me so long to remember to check to see if anyone commented and put the good ones through. Things have been busy, hence the delays.

Been reading about Janelia Farm since I saw the article about it in the latest issue of Cell. Comments, anyone? In some ways I think it sounds great, but as some of you know, I'm evangelically in favor of hypothesis-driven research, and Gerry Rubin says some stuff in his article that made me wonder if he understands why we scientists like hypotheses so much. Um, yeah.


At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read this frequently and find it quite entertaining. I can only infer that you are a biologist. My question for you and people who respond is, Are you a scientist or a technologist? What I mean is do you study science or do you use science to produce technology. So many people in my department are what I would call technologists. They do something which I call "applied science." And they spend their time chasing grant money and writing grant proposals promising that they can develop so and so to treat this or that. And they get the money. Technology is great, and the people who do it have tremendous talents. BUT the reason for the workaholic culture and so many other negatives in our field comes from this invasion of technology into our basic science departments. Or maybe I am just jealous.

Dr. Why not How

At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is the cure cancer goal so popular. Cancer is a disease which MOSTLY affects old people, and they are going to die soon anyway. Is it not smarter to try to treat and cure diseases that affect mostly young people, so they have a chance to live life and then get old and drop dead from cancer. Think about it



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